Gran Torino and Harry Brown are similar movies. If you like one, you may like the other¹. The similarity is not based on “similar users” rating both the movies highly (though that could be happening), but is based on the fact that both the movies involve a lonely, retired person with a military background takes the responsibbility of delivering justice to those who have been wronged in their own hands.
Given a movie, recommend other movies that have similar plots.
Wikipedia dump of movie pages was used to extract movie plots. The topics were identified using Latent Dirichlet Allocation and KL-Divergence was used to find out similar movies.
Although we didn’t get great results, the struggle did help us in getting some interesting insights into the problem.
The data source, methodology, discussion of results and error analysis is available in the report here
¹ both great movies btw, you’ll probably like them both in any case but I have to make a point here.